Altarian Resistance
Altarians are a noble and ethical species. Outsiders consider them haughty because of the Altarian belief that their world played an important role in the Precursor wars. It doesn’t help that Altarians also flaunt their unique, native ability to manipulate cosmic energy.
Physically, Altarians look like humans – which caused a great deal of consternation when they first came into contact with Earth and the Terran Alliance. This commonality is the source of a great deal of mystery and legend, much of which revolves around the myth of a being of immense power (called a “Mithrilar”) that supposedly lived on Altaria at the dawn of life on that world. His presence altered the natural evolution which resulted in the evolution of the humanoid Altarian.
The rich and vivid history of Altaria far eclipses Earth’s own. The planet is a rich source of mysterious cosmic energy, which the Precursors spent thousands of years battling for control over. The Precursors eventually abandoned the planet, leaving the Altarians to build their own society.
Altaria was originally home to several different species. Multiple sentient species still exist today, but the first and oldest – the Drath – is now extinct on Altaria. Their tragic story is told elsewhere.
Altaria’s first contact with an alien species in the modern era was with Arcea. The Arceans transmitted plans to build a stargate and together, over a century, the Altarians constructed it and reaped the benefits of the resulting trade and commerce.
For reasons unknown, Altaria is uninhabitable for other species over long periods of time, even if they stay in environment suits. As a result, Altaria has not been the target of invasion by other interstellar species.
Current Status
As a leading member of the coalition in the Dread Lord wars, the Altarians suffered greatly from the joint Drengin Empire and Yor surprise attack. No Altarian colonies survive, and Altaria itself has remained independent only by threatening to use various Precursor doomsday weapons upon any who would invade. The Altarians are now isolated on their home world, with a Yor containment fleet blockading their solar system.