
Carrier moduels only producing/ launching interceptor drones/

New to the game.

Posted on Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Had the game installed for over a year and just got around to playing it, so far the games been pretty fun except for my carriers being broken, no matter what I do, my carriers launch drone fighters instead of assault fighters like their supposed to. I double checked checked my research tree and sure enough I've researched all the military tech, and when I'm creating a custom carrier, the carrier module says 3 fast and deadly assault fighters, but once the ship design is finished and I go to create/build it, the ship details mentions drone fighters. This probably shouldn't be too much of an issue, but I'm currently in the middle of a game and I'm being swamped by enemy carriers that's launching assault fighters. My drones with just 18 beam attack and no defense are basically target practice for my enemies assault fighters that have 13 shield defense and 43 missile attack. If it's helpful, game was purchased from Epic Games(would have purchased from Steam, but Epic games had it on sale for free).