
Can't get past campaign mission "Alliance" due to crash

Posted on Wednesday, July 8, 2020

When I conquer Vol I get all of the dialogue and then the victory screen with a "continue" button and a "main menu" button. If I press continue the game crashes, if I go to the main menu, the game doesn't crash, but I can't continue with the "Pawns" mission. I did find a post from a dev back in 2016 about this very issue but the suggested workaround doesn't work for me. It doesn't matter if the Korx have other planets or not. This is what they said:

"We have found a bug where if you conquer one the 2nd required planet after you, or the Altairans have conquered all the other worlds, you can end up with a hang in the final conversation. This is relatively rare, but is being fixed and should be out in the next patch.

I have not heard of this causing a crash, but it might be the problem you are running into.

If you can revert to an earlier save, and take the goal planets without Killing the Korx completely, it should fix the issue.

Sorry for the inconvenience."

Anyone know a fix? I'm fine with just telling some file somewhere that "has_completed_alliance" equals 1 if that's possible.