Star Control: Origins villains come to Galactic Civilizations III in exciting new DLC
New Alien Civilizations bring their own ship styles, unique race traits, diplomatic quirks, AI personalities, and more!
The Villains of Star Control: Origins DLC pack introduces four major new civilizations to Galactic Civilizations III. All of the new alien factions come equipped with a unique leader, ship, music, and traits that make each civilization look and play differently from the existing major civilizations.
Play as or against the Measured, the overly bureaucratic race of sentient coral, or as the extremely polite (but surprisingly cannibalistic!) Phamysht. You can also play as the frightening race from another dimension, the Xraki, whose only desire is to destroy everything in their path, or as the immortal and genetically superior Scryve.
Galactic Civilizations III is the most popular space-based turn based strategy of all time. Your civilization has just achieved faster-than-light travel and the galaxy awaits you. But you are not alone and must deal with alien civilizations through diplomacy, trade, cultural hegemony, or military conquest either against the computer or against friends online.
In addition to the new DLC, we've released a new v3.9 update for the game that includes massively shorter late game turn times, updated balance based on feedback, AI improvements, new star base modules and lots more. The changelog at the bottom of the post has more details, so be sure to check it out!

Galactic Civilizations III
 Also available through Stardock
Villains of Star Control: Origins DLC
 Also available through Stardock
The Measured
Do you have a form for that?
The Measured are an extremely bureaucratic race of sentient coral who once enjoyed a thriving and rich civilization before they were genetically modified by the Scryve. They now serve as the record keepers for the Scryve Empire, a role to which they are well suited.
The Phamysht
So lovely to MEAT you!
The Phamysht are a race of extremely polite cannibals who find other beings generally intolerable. The galaxy is a messy place, and they’re here to finally bring it some class and refinement, even if it does mean eating lesser races out of existence.
Although they are considered to be fanatical monsters by most, the Xraki weren’t always that way. They hail from another dimension and were driven mad through the evil ministrations of the Scryve Empire, who turned them into their shock troops.
The Scryve
Permission to exist: Denied!
The Scryve are a race of immortals who weren’t always the villains. Their civilization was once filled with idealism and hope, but terrible events over time slowly corrupted them and withered their empire, turning them instead to brutal violence.
Additional Features in Villains of Star Control: Origins
- Dozens of new ship parts inspired by Star Control: Origins for building and modifying your own ships
- Several new music tracks from Star Control: Origins
- New faction traits
- New ship designs, colors, and styles
Get Villains of Star Control: Origins today!
Galactic Civilizations III
 Also available through Stardock
Villains of Star Control: Origins DLC
 Also available through Stardock
v3.9 Changelog
Modder Inspired Balance update
Special thanks to Horemvore, Old Spider, and the modding community. Brad/Draginol reviewed his mods to evaluate whether some of those ideas should make them into the game. We love seeing players that are passionate about the game and it's great to see their work making the game better for everyone.
Zone of Control update
No more fog of war in your empire. All territory in your Zone of Control now is always visible. This helps you keep an eye on what other factions are doing in your backyard.
We've made a substantial improvement in performance. This boost is especially noticeable in the shipyard screen and in late-game turn times.
Change Log
- PlayerStartSpacingWideMod changed from 1.0 to 0.33
- PlayerStartSpacingNarrowMod changed from 0.50 to 0.175
- Basic Life Support range bonus increased from 0.25 to 0.30
- Large hull ship maint increased from 3 to 5
- Huge hull ship maint increased from 3 to 7
- Cultural treaties now benefit both sides
- Military Alliance treaties now benefit both sides
- Planets rebel a bit slower than before.
- AI values supply ships more when it's not at war.
- Surrender change: Surrendering players now destroy their worlds upon surrendering unless they are surrendering to a particular player in which case they will transfer their homeworld (and only their homeworld) to that player. This reduces the late game sudden explosion in micro-management of worlds the player may have no interest in. AI also destroys its ships.
- All territory in a player's ZOC is always visible. No fog of war (in your borders).
- New starbase module: "Ascension Gate Study." Allows the player to get a lot more out of the Ascension Gates.
- Shipyard won't rebuild the list of ships unless there's been a change to the resources the player has. This dramatically improves late-game shipyards screen performance.
- Improved turn times, especially late game.
- Fixed issue where disabling a DLC via command line would not have the grayed out portraits show up.
- Fixed some pixelation on the Campaign screen.
- Adjusted list container on the custom faction screen to avoid clipping of the Abilities list on lower resolutions.
- Fixed typos and grammar errors
- Added typos and grammar errors
- Shorten names that were too long
- Fixed colony list in Civilization screen showing the incorrect manufacturing stat in the column labeled for social manufacturing.
- Fixed several places in the UI that were showing incomplete or inaccurate stat breakdown tooltips for manufacturing because of missing tooltip data.
- Got rid of leftover debug UI graphics in the Promotion Stats tooltip (seen in the commander unit promotion screen).
- Fixed too-skinny approval field in the main map planet tooltip if the colony had 100% approval.
- Fixed a crash whenever an AI player surrendered over their stuff to another player.
- Changed description of Silicon-Based life to reflect that their cities were changed to use Promethion instead of Durantium.
- Reworked the way that the "Max Manufacturing" stat is shown in the stat breakdown tooltip. It now also displays the social and military manufacturing stats and their breakdowns, including the slider values when Crusade isn't enabled.
- In Crusade mode, "base research" or "base manufacturing" or "base income" are now displayed as Raw Production, to accurately reflect where that number is coming from (as opposed to being some calculated value from sliders and such in non-Crusade).
- In non-Crusade mode, fixed bug in the spending breakdown at the bottom of the manufacturing, research, and income stat breakdown tooltips where it showed player-wide raw production or slider values instead of colony-specific ones.
- Moved "Collect Gameplay Data" option to it's position to prevent the spinner option from taking its place.
- Various flavor text changes to abilities, components, technologies, improvements to make them more clear.
- AI values hypergates much more.
- AI evaluates foreign influence before determining whether a planet should be colonized.
Crusade and Beyond
- Recently conquered planets are now immune to culture flip for 15 turns.
- Planets that have been culturally flipped have a 15 turn morale penalty.
- Planets now receive a default planetary defense bonus and a resistance bonus.
- Default colony ship loading population reduced from 2 to 1.
- Population used for filling colony ships increased from a radius of 6 to 10.
- AI ship design evaluation decreased from 20 turns to 10 turns.
- UpgradeDiscountFactor increased from 0.5 to 0.9.
- Bonuses to players playing at easier levels changed from a % to a flat.
- Civilization capital sensor range increased from 12 to 16.
Intrigue Only
- Patriot government ship loses a Railgun and a Harpoon to make it a bit less powerful.
Retribution Only
- Echoing Heartstone Artifact power reduced from 10,000 to 1,000.
- Tech Inflation increased from 2% to 2.5%.
- Starting Taxation increased from 25% to 33%.
- Galactic News earlier turn increased from turn 10 to turn 15.
- Galactic News cooldown increased from 12 to 20 turns.
- Colony Limit Max Penalty increased from 6 to 10.
- Default starting money increased from 3,000 credits to 5,000 credits.