
Oh Durantium, Where Forth Art Thou?

Posted on Monday, April 23, 2018

Anyone played the base game without Crusades/Intrigue recently? Is it just me, or have Durantium and Antimatter swapped positions since the earlier versions of GalCiv3? Way back then, Durantium was everywhere but no one really cared for it while Antimatter was pretty useful, but rarely found. Now, Antimatter is EVERYWHERE, but who really cares until you are closer to endgame. On the other hand, Durantium seems to be so much rarer now, even more so than Elerium and Thullium, and it does not help that seemingly everything wants Durantium--and lots of it! From cities to high level factories and starbase upgrades, everything important to the development of your galactic empire crave the stuff.


I like to play with all settings set to abundant, but every time a map is generated, I always find it overflowing with Antimatter but hardly has any Durantium. As a matter of fact, Elerium seems to have taken a hit in abundance as well, while Promethium has gotten a significant boost. I see plenty of asteroids and nebulae on the map, but most of the time, they are without resources. Tell me other people are seeing this too, and that I am not just the super unlucky.  If I am not, there seems to be an imbalance in resource frequency versus what is actually necessary for development.


In my experience for development (not war-related techs)...

Antimatter: Extremely High Supply, Very Low Demand - What? Antimnatter Plants?

Promethium: Moderate Supply, Extremely High Demand - Cities, research, many starbase upgrades, reserve

Elerium: Low Supply, Very Low Demand - lol colonial banks

Thullium: Low Supply, High Demand - That terraforming--my gosh. Data archive.

Durantium: Very Low Supply, Extremely High Demand - Cities, factories+refinery, administration, bureau, many starbase upgrades


Ship building balances out the supply of Antimatter and Elerium a bit, but not by much. Antimatter is somewhat justified with engines and missiles, but they are just going to sit there uselessly for most of the game until you actually unlock the late-game techs that actually justifies their abundance. Elerium, on the other hand, is slightly rarer than Promethium, but it has the same problem as Antimatter, and the nerf on beam weapons does not help. And of course, nobody likes kinetic weapons, but if you do, then you are screwed because between the low supply of Thullium and cost of terraforming, you are going to wait for a while.


Honestly, the only resources that are somewhat balanced are Promethium and Elerium. Promethium is in demand enough in a developing empire to keep your supplies low, but abundant enough to not severely bottleneck your progress. Elerium is really only useful in late game beam weapons, but it is not too abundant either (just under Promethium). You probably have just enough to stack Doom Rays on a few ships before you realize that the nerfed damage is not worth it. You will be swimming in Antimatter, on the other hand, and starving in Durantium and Thullium. None of the AI's are going to have any either even if you want to trade them for it. is not just me, right?

