
Balance Issues

Posted on Sunday, November 26, 2017

I have read on the forum in many places complaints about synthetics being overpowered, or this or that civ having some advantage over another. Well here are my 2 cents. Good! There is no equality in Nature, and it will not be found in the galaxy either. Deal with it. Every race should not be equally balanced. Some should have better early game, others late, and some should be all around better at everything. While some races should, like minors not even measure as a speed bump. Of course the rare game could occur where due starting placement or diplomacy an otherwise inferior race finds itself in the dominant position in the galaxy, but that shouldn't be the norm. Unbalance adds flavor. Exploiting inferior races adds spice to the game. Building diplomatic relations with others to try and take down a superior race adds realism.


I vote for unbalance and would like to see more of it.