
Dealing with Social Vs. Military Production in v 1.4

Posted on Friday, October 30, 2015

This thread is NOT about complaining about the lack of wheel, or praising the riddance of it Plenty of these around already.

It is about analyzing of the current state of things regarding how you control Social Vs. Military production in the new age of Patch 1.4.


Let's take a look at how things are:

Let's say you want to micro your planets to be able to switch from 100/0  to 50/50 to 0/100 on an individual basis. I am not over complicating things i hope, just 3 possible settings. Lets call them Social focus, Military focus and Balanced focus. As you know there is no longer a planetary slider, just a global one. So how do you go about it?

Right now I found that the way to do it is keep Global slider at 50/50

If you want a single planet to go 100% military, you need to put the military subsidies project at the top of your planetary queue and make sure the shipyard is enabled.

If you want to switch back to 100% social prod, you need to remove military subsidies from top of planetary queue then go in the shipyard, click disable.

If there are more than one planet assigned to a shipyard you cannot use disable, instead you need to go to to the sponsor list and remove the planet you want to focus on Social, and make sure you move military subside from the top of the list. 


So It can be done, players WILL do it. I already am doing it.  It seems to me that having to go through several different screens in order to switch social/military focus is quite convoluted.

Or is there something that I missed to make this less convoluted?


I see several people on the forum who seem to be more concerned about the Social/military thing rather than the wheel.
