
1.4 Serious Bug/Misfeature in Transfer of Manufacturing->Shipbuilding

Posted on Saturday, October 17, 2015

OK, I'm just playing through the 1.4 opt-in.

I've run into a major PITA problem:

Let's say I have 3 planets.  Planet 1 & 2 have a shipyard, and Planet 3 doesn't.

OK, now I've finished building out #1, but I haven't finished on either 2 or 3. That is, I want #1 to just build ships now, have #2 build both buildings and ships, and #3 just make buildings.

The logical thing is to set the shipbuilding slider on the Global Production wheel to say 50/50.

On planet #3, the reasonable thing happens:  it has no shipyard, so it dedicates all the production to making buildings.

But on planet #1, the UI gives me the "Idle Colony" designation, and REFUSES to go to the next turn until I either give #1 a building to make, or move the shipbuilding slider to 100% military. 


Both are NOT good, since moving the slider means any planet I want to split my production can't do that, and I don't want to build a building just for it's own sake, nor do I want to have to put it on one of the EcoStimulus / CulturalFestival, as that's just blowing production when I want ships.


This is a SERIOUS BUG.  Any planet that doesn't have anything in the building queue should simply dedicate all production to it's shipyard.

ONLY IF a planet has NEITHER a shipyard, nor anything in the building queue should the "idle colony" button be activated.