
Missing Game Features

the grand list according to Paultos

Posted on Thursday, July 30, 2015

 Updated, late Sept :}


  • Game option - verbose, ie "more" setting for tooltips. never hurts
  • Summary of upkeep for all ship types *1
  • Fleet name can't be maintained *
  • Game option - Allow to adjust opacity of unbuilt improvement upgrades
  • Display attached shipyard production stats in Govern Planet screen
  • Separate rather than combined "use civ prod level" toggle for tax and for shipbuilding *2
  • warning box for global production delta (namely, tech cost warps due to trade or gift, or new planet drops empire morale) *4
  • In ship designer, offer a little flexibility on illegal deletes *3
  • select where the eject button should throw a ship
  • User tags column in planet summary !!
  • opt'n during game start - to exclude campy community-made star system names
  • diplomacy overview should indicate cooldown for each race to make trades again, unless it's a variable number


Hi, the above is the TOC style list. Now I'll open the floor for discussion and also note the short commentary in the succeeding post.

About those expanded tooltips, I mean on the tech screen is where I mean. I don't think it would insult anyone if the research institute tip specified that you need to build xeno labs before you can construct it. Especially given that you can own the science while not having the xeno developments or -whatever, which grants you xeno labs


* How did this get overlooked??

*2 Simply, I want a planet to continue being locked to the global tax wheel, while having a social-military level of my choosing

*3 I never want to see "this piece has other pieces attached so you can't remove it"; why not group-select the relevant pieces for me insetad?

*4 Example, .2 morale penalty lowers raw production on world X, which was optimized to build improvement Y in say 3 turns.  Instead it winds up being enough for just 99% of Y's cost over 3 turns, thus requiring a 4th turn to complete.  This seems important for your ocd optimizer (55%+ of playerbase)

!! (see following post)