
25 Turn Challenge!

Posted on Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Behold a glorious challenge to prove yourself worthy to Lord Kona! Let's see who can make the biggest baddest empire in a mere 25 turns! It is both a challenge for the bragging rights as well as a education session for those who might struggle early game. The prize will be a dinner at Lord Kona's personal table. 

I will provide a save game for everybody to use, on which you then play 25 turns, and then you can come brag here about your glorious empire.


About the Galaxy:

For this game we will be using a medium galaxy with 3 opponents. We will be playing as the Terran Alliance since that is the most popular faction overall. You can find the settings for the galaxy here.



0. Make sure you are on the 1.02 opt in! (the save file is from 1.01, works for me, but let me know if i should make a new one)

1. Turn off mods if you use any, for the purpose of the challenge everybody needs to play the same game. 

2. Download this save file. Place it in your Documents\My Games\GalCiv3\Saves folder.

3. Start the game, load up the save called "25 TURN CHALLANGE"

4. Play for 25 turns, stop when the turn counter on the top right says 26. 

5. Save your game, take a few screenshots of your empire.

6. Post the following info here:


-Screenshot of your empire.

-How many Colonies you have.

-How many Starbases and shipyards you have.

-How many Technologies you have researched.

-How many Ships you have.

-your faction power.

-A description of what you did. (try to be specific)

-your save file if you want, so others can bask in the glory that is your empire. 



The only rules are: no mods, no console commands and got to use the save file provided. Do whatever you want besides that, you can use exploits, bugs, overpowered stuff, anything.


Good Luck and Have Fun