
34- Custom Races Each Unique, Some Stronger than others

34 of them Enjoy

Posted on Monday, May 25, 2015

Greetings Fellow gamers with gobs of RAM (32GB here) and a passion for custom races.

I Jay Master of the Universe spent a few hours this holiday weekend creating some custom races from the cheesiest B-Movies and more respectable storied sci fi from the interwebs. Also contains some races that are not sci-fi just for fun. Customize to your liking. I claim none of this as my own, so you have liscence to do what you want with this. Include in your own pack if you want. I have wrared my constantly growing faction folder for your game playing pleasure. 

Included are 34 custom races with descriptions pics, and a short story line. They do not yet contain the loading storyline but whatever, they are good enough to pick through. Here is a viewing. Also included are dozens more unused pics you can sort though to help create your own custom races. Everything that was in my faction folder is can now be in your faction folder. 
