
Possible interface changes.

Posted on Wednesday, May 20, 2015

I don't post often, because I am much more into playing the game than reading about it. This may be a fault, because I miss a lot of chances to read good content, but it is what it is.


That being said, there is one UI tweak I would appreciate, and one that might be something more difficult.

The tweak I'd like to see is in the Govern window, Commands tab, Planets subsection, I'd like a way to cancel any of the project improvements. (The never-ending ones, economy, birthing, research, culture). I like to play larger maps (my current insane sized map, I have 70 colonies, and only about half the galaxy explored. It's very common for me to have nothing to build on several planets and then get a tech that lets me add more tiles. It's a tad frustrating to have to then page through the colony list to find all the colonies on a continuing project, and change them. If I could instead order them all to do nothing, then they would come up in the Idle Colony test and I could re-assign them work.  An alternate method would be to have part of researching a terraforming tech turn off continuing projects when the tech is researched, but I thought other users might find that annoying when playing on a smaller map.

The possibly more intense change would be to get a way to see unsettled planets that can be colonized. I was always in the 'Unowned' planet list in GC II and thought it was a big help. (But I don't feel too much pain in it's lack in GC III)