
About Steam Workshop (Spoke on Twitch about this)

Posted on Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Hello Stardock

I know you have plans to support Steam Workshop but this 10 year Steam Veteran and 35 year veteran modder wishes to share some info with you that you may find interesting and useful. Btw the Veteran stuff is just so you can see I am a keen modder and a steam fan and not hater.

Fact is, Steam workshop is not very good for real modders, it supports those who dabble a bit at modding but not real modders. Real modders have no way to tell Valve this because they do not listen to us. We have to tell developers and hope developers mention it to them. So Steam really is not modder friendly despite how they sell the whole workshop idea to developers.

An example this.

Steam Workshop is a graveyard for mods, modders can upload mods there but we cannot talk about those mods on steam. So mods uploaded there become forgotten. If we do talk about our mods on steam we treated like spammers and banned from the forum for a month. I know this because it happened to me. I talked the moderator about it and he explained it in detail to me. This is their policy, that is how modders get treated for doing normal modding things like talking about mods we make.

Until recently they had a limit of 100meg for all mods uploaded and 1 gig total for all mods uploaded by a single modder. The 1 gig limit remains in place as far as I know but the 100meg limit was removed for Skyrim and I "ASSUME" for all other games too. You will need to check on that because you may find Workshop is NOT fit for purpose.

Steam/Valve have prove they really do not understand modders and modder, the Skyrim paid for mods affair that happened in April being the latest example. Basically they tried to turn modding in to a business and turn modders in to tax experts when they sell tools that would allow modders to become developers if we wished to go that far. What happened was all modders, whether they sold mods or not got flamed. I actually had several private mods stolen from my private forum by rampaging trolls angry over the paid for mods issue, 3 weeks after the paid for mods issue had been scrapped. They are still out there rampaging around the TES community.

The problem is, Valve talk developers about what is good for modders, they DO NOT talk to us modders about what is good for modders.

Until they do, Workshop will remain a graveyard for mods.

Since your speaking to them right now, can you bring some of this up with them because me and other modders tried, but they just are not listening. Modders are basically spammers to them, nothing more.


What is needed is 2 things.

Scrap the 1 gig limit.

Allow modders to talk about their mods on the steam forums without being moderated for it.