
Campaign Feedback

Posted on Sunday, May 17, 2015

First of all, you really need to send someone who is an English speaker and took an English Class in their life at some point to go back through all the text of the campaign and fix the grammar and spelling errors. Secondly, there really isn't enough text to explain what is happening.

For example: If humanity is trapped behind the Shield then what is up with the Crusader? Where did it, and the fleet attached to it, even come from. I expect this might have been explained in Gal Civ 2 but it's been like 200 years and I forget, and if I forget (being a long time follower of this series of games) then newcomers to Gal Civ will definitely not understand what is happening. So more back story is definitely welcome.

 Second, the T.E.S. Crusader is not in the second Mission. The Captain specifically says he is letting you use it, but it never shows up, then there is some weird blurb about the crusader needing repairs AFTER the mission.

Also nothing ever gets explained about what is up with the other races after the missions in the campaign. That leaves me a bit confused too.

I really think you need someone to go through all the text in the campaign and fix it because it is one of the first things new players will see about this game and it is FULL of errors, and looks sloppy and unprofessional, and that's not likely to help with reviews.

Other than the problems mentioned above the Campaign was good, I had a lot of fun with it and it helped me really get back into the game, however, 3 missions is just not enough. The Primary campaign should have more to it! Yes, I know it's not the only aspect of the game, but the story is a large part of why I am returning to Galactic Civilizations. Free play is great but  I kinda wanna see what happens in the story with the Crusade! Will humanity destroy the universe? Won't they? Where did the Crusader even come from? I am expecting they will all be answered, but it seems like the Campaign should have been proofread, and completed, before the game was officially launched.

Now before other folks pick apart any of the spelling or grammar errors in my post, I just want to point out I am not a company selling you a product. This kind of thing makes the company look lazy and sloppy. I don't want a game series I love to crash and burn based on the fact that it didn't proofread before publishing the game.