Here is a list of events that I miss from Galactic Civilizations II...
- The mega event that made all planets with in a select area a class x planet especially nice mid to late game.
- The mega event that doubled planet quality on a select planet.
- The mega event which destroyed select planet from comet.
- Individual planet colonization events that increase planet quality by xx%
- New minor race discovered.
Here is a few suggestions on galactic events that would be nice for Galactic Civilizations III.
- Star explodes into nebula (destroying all planets and objects in system)
- Star collapses into black hole (destroying all planets and objects in system)
- Nebula condenses into new system (destroying everything in nebula, however potentially creating new planets)
- Pirates hijacked all ships in the galaxy dropping cargo anywhere and everywhere... (re-spawns anomalies throughout the galaxy as they were laid out at the start of the game) (down side some random ships/star bases may be destroyed or take damage)
- Comet NC-786 flew through the outer sections of galaxy causing dramatic climate change on many planets. (Causes several planets to be dead [negative] change to extreme world [positive or negative] or dead world to now support life.) Would not effect every planet in galaxy but maybe several in a line crossing the galaxy.
Anyone else have suggestions or things that they miss from Galactic Civilizations II?