So I'm hooked on GalCiv3, started during Beta 4. When Beta 5 started, I was unable to load saves. Now with 5.2 I get a CTD whenver I click on a ship, a shipyard, or the designer. Also if I click on the idle ship button. These are always new games so I can't even finish turn 1 to check if the loading saves bug was fixed for me! Not to be too dramatic, but I'm going into withdrawal here. I've tried every troubleshooting suggestion from the support section that I can find, yet I can't help but think this is an issue with my computer specifically since I haven't seen any other posts on this. Map sizes, factions, graphics settings, and map settings don't seem to matter. Any ideas for something I may have missed? My computer definitely exceeds the minimum specs. The only thing I haven't done yet is completely re-install the game. I do have a ticket in.