I didn't have time to really play a game last night, so I just created a bunch of custom races. Here are some issues I've noticed. I know a few of these have popped up in other threads, but I'd rather be thorough.
- When creating a custom race, the mousewheel doesn't work on some occasions (ie, selection a color scheme for ships).
- Tooltip text can often be cut off by the max popup size.
- Tooltip text occasionally acts funny in the Traits window. By moving my cursor left-to-right across the buttons for a single trait, the tooltip would sometimes act strange - text appearing and disappearing.
- There's no way to edit a race after it has been created. Arg!
- There's no way to delete a race after it has been created. Arg!
- If you go crazy customizing a race by using many of the Traits buttons (+ and -), then after completing the race the traits can run off the choose race screen. You CAN scroll the mousewheel to run down the traits, but it's slooooooooooow and a player would rather see all traits at the same time.
- If you go crazy giving your race and/or leader a long description, the descriptions can run off the choose race screen. Based on this and #6, I'd like to see an expanded 'select race' info area. Make it large enough to see all text/traits.
- The fertile and farming traits are useless for synthetic life, giving a free 4 trait points. I'm not sure what the correct balance point there is. Maybe give 1 pt per trait when selecting synthetic and gray them out?
- The homeworld options are somewhat limited. Perhaps a future update will give us something along the lines of the trait screen? IE, can select different options with inherent tradeoffs.
- On the ship creation screen, some texture/material options didn't seem to work with certain others. I forget the names: below the ship preview screen are four options. If you pick the top row of options first, then select through the bottom two, some combinations of the top two SEEM to negate any changes by the bottom two.
- We need more ship type options! We need more race/leader/background options! Maybe this is a job for modders.
- More tech tree options? I'd rather see a way to select the top two concentrations instead of grabbing from the preset list. This might require too much work though...
Can't wait to play some Beta 5!