
The Tech Tree Revisited

Quantum vs Incremental

Posted on Tuesday, January 13, 2015

I have noticed a number of comments about the tech tree that generally address the paucity of "quantum leap" types of technology. In other words, when you research them you get a new ability of some kind that is quite significant so that the gamer feels a sense of achievement and a sense of making serious progress in the game. These comments then compare such proposed techs to the actual trees that are, in many cases, incremental. 10% this, 10% that, etc., and there is no sense of a breakthrough.

I think I understand and have some sympathy for these comments. I would say there are some techs in the tree now that are critical, such as a new ship size, but the point has been that there aren't enough. I would like to suggest there is another side to this. Please understand, I am not saying where the balance lies, I am just suggesting another criteria to evaluate. Namely, that incremental technology provides a more difficult strategical approach.

I recall Civ4 BTS, some would say the best 4x ever, some not. That tech tree was immense. At higher difficulty levels the trick was to minimize research outside the absolutely necessary and "beeline" the necessary techs. Once understood, the tech tree in a sense became less critical, one just followed the yellow brick road, if you will. Don't get me wrong, I like and played BTS a LOT.

With a more incremental tech path, such canned research plans do not pop out. The gamer has to decide how far to go up a particular tree when the differences are not huge. The approach is likely more fluid. The decision as to when to go to a different branch will not be clear cut. True, I won't get the feeling like, ahhh, I got this tech, so now I am winning feeling. I know that feeling. The question is, how susceptible to canned strategies do we want the tech tree to be? Personally, I don't know!

I do know that as it stands I feel pretty good when I can produce paladins with all three offensive and all three defensive techs, but I am sure some would question that design.

Very interested to hear any reaction, fire away!