
Custom Planets for Customer Races

Posted on Wednesday, January 22, 2014

I think this is one thing that was lacking in Twilight of Arnor, I loved that you could customize your race many different ways with different bonus'.

However, when it came time to the planet you always got the same system if you chose the custom race or stuck with it seeing you as one of the other major races if you just took that race and customized it for your race.  You should have the ability to create your system.  See example below...

you get 30 habitable planet points...  Astroid field counts as 1 point, each planet counts as 1 point and rings/moons count as 1 point.  Special planets get 1/2 the habital points so if you choose to use 1 habitable point on an Aquatic world then you get a level 2 planet.  2=4 ect...

5 planet system = 5 points -> 25 left

3 astroids = 3 points -> 22 left

1 planet (home) with moon and ring = 2 points -> 20 left

(home) planet level 11 = 11 points -> 9 left

1 other planet Aquatic level 16 = 8 points -> 1 left

Aquatic planet moon = 1 point -> 0 left


Something like this would be great to a race that either has Aquatic available from the begining or gets it quickly.

What do others think?