
I would like to hear the molucular description of the race.

Posted on Friday, January 3, 2014

I would like to see a molecular description of the factions, and like what type of genus or order they would be like. I know this would do none thing for game play, but it would be nice to be able read about. 

  1. Like do they use different amino acids. This is sugars instead of protein.

2, Are they 98% water, or are they some other solvent like.

 a. methane.

 b. sulferic acid.

 c. Amonia.

 d. chlorine.

 c. carbon

3. What kind of apnosphere do they breathe.

4. What substance are they made up of,

 a. germaniun

 b. silicon

5. Different amino acids.

 a. peptides.

6. energy cources for food.

I know there are gaps because I haven't looked it up in awhile, so if there are things I forgot you can add them. The main thing I want to hear is Stardock is going to put a list like this somewhere to read about, and how much others would want this to read about. You can comment anything though.