
If I could have one wish...

Posted on Wednesday, December 11, 2013

I have more of a general plea than a real question.

Please don't rush the game development, it's tempting I know because I literally get all giddy with anticipation when I think of Gal Civ III. I love the franchise with a passion that is borderline creepy but as much as I may want to get my hands on it now. Above all I would implore you to take the time to pour all the passion you have with the previous installments into this one.

I'm happy to know it's in Stardock's capable hands and I eagerly await the beta, which will no doubt ruin my social life. It's been 7 years since GalCiv 2 and if it take a couple more months to deliver an outstanding product, I'll gladly wait for it.

It's a testament to your company to see the personal interest and passion that drives you reflected in your updates.